When Choosing a Probiotic, Avoid These 4 Beginner’s Mistakes

When choosing a probiotic supplement, it's important to avoid several common mistakes to ensure you're getting a product that is safe, effective and suited to your needs. Here are some things to avoid, to make sure you’re getting the right product:

  • Not checking the strains.

    Probiotics include different strains, which, like enzymes, are specialists. Choosing one without considering the specific strains included is not the way to go. Some strains promote urinary or vaginal health, while others target digestion or regularity. Selecting a supplement without strain specificity may result in taking a probiotic that doesn't address your unique needs.
  • Not storing your probiotics properly.

    Probiotics are living organisms, so they need to be stored properly to survive. If your product says it should be refrigerated or stored at room temperature, leaving it in your car overnight could compromise the quality. Potency can decrease over time, especially if not stored correctly. For example, some probiotics require refrigeration, while others are shelf-stable. Using an expired or improperly stored supplement may mean you're not getting the full benefit.
  • Expecting immediate results.

    Certain supplements are formulated to get to work immediately, but probiotics need a little time to get to work and establish the balance you want in your microbiome. Sometimes, the benefits are gradual. Consistency is key, so keep taking them under the guidance of your health-care provider.
  • Assuming probiotics are all you need.

    Yes, some probiotics can help your digestion and regularity — those are well-documented benefits. They can even help you with bloating and occasional gas! But they work better when they have a team behind them. Enzymes can help you digest your food and access the nutrients within, while a balanced diet, regular exercise and stress management are also important factors that contribute to gut health and overall well-being.

Support your microbiome through probiotics.