What are the Signs of a Healthy, Balanced Digestive System? 

Great health starts with healthy digestion. But what does a healthy, balanced digestive system feel like? What are the signs that your GI system is happy with what you’re eating? 

While you should always consult with your health-care provider if you have any doubts or digestive issues, these are some signs of a healthy, balanced digestive system: 

  • Your bowel movements are comfortable and regular, ranging from 3 times a week to 3 times a day. 
  • Your BMs are a normal color, shape and consistency, and you can go without straining. You might be surprised to learn your bathroom visit should take five minutes maximum. 
  • Your BMs are generally on a schedule. 
  • You have a healthy transit time for the food you eat to be eliminated. The “normal” range is between 10 and 73 hours.
  • You have steady energy after you eat and throughout the day. 
  • You have a steady mood and you can manage your everyday stress. (Thanks to the gut-brain axis, digestion can be linked to the body’s stress response.)
  • You can eat foods without experiencing occasional digestive discomforts like gas, bloating and constipation. (These can and will still happen sometimes!)

What you eat can influence digestion — and so can other habits, from exercise and smoking to everyday stress and hydration.