Feel Better Faster With Magnesium Motion
Magnesium is an essential mineral that supports vital processes of both the mind and body. While it is available through food, today’s modern diets lack adequate supplies – and many supplements contain forms of magnesium the body can’t unlock easily, so you won’t feel the full benefits.
The amino acid Taurine plays critical biological roles such as in keeping healthy brain function, essential for normal skeletal muscle function, and acts on neuromodulation and relaxation.* Taurine is also a powerful antioxidant, reducing free radicals produced in the brain. ATA Mg is the combination of magnesium and Taurine in an acetylated form, and has been proven to absorb 24% faster than other popular forms of magnesium.
How is ATA Mg® Different From Other Magnesium Taurinate Products?
ATA Mg® is a patented form of magnesium acetyl taurinate that’s been clinically proven to cross the blood brain barrier; offering support for resistance to physical and emotional stress.* It is uniquely lipophilic, or having the ability to combine with or absorb into fats or lipids. Since many cell membranes are made of phospholipids, this allows ATA Mg® to better penetrate cells – especially those in the central nervous system.