Do we really need an internal cleanse?

Do we really need an internal cleanse?

Absolutely! It is important because it is becoming increasingly clear that the biggest threat to human health right now is not some super virus or even the overconsumption of sugar, but rather the growing exposure to environmental toxins. Since we as humans are at the top of the food chain, we are bioaccumulators of toxins like pesticides, herbicides, flame retardants, solvents, and the thousands of man-made chemicals that have been developed over the last 70 years. These sorts of toxins are extremely hard for the environment as well as our body to get rid of. So, yes, it is very important to go on an internal cleanse. Here are 5 key reasons to cleanse:

  1. It fights the aging process. The bioaccumulation of toxins increases as the older we get. Not surprisingly, we are reaping the consequences of this bioaccumulation. In fact, since toxins damage basic cellular function, they adversely affect every cell, tissue, organ, and body system. It is now undeniable that toxins play a key role in destroying our health.
  2. It increases energy levels. The ability to detoxify is critically tied to our energy levels. If you drag through the day, promoting improved detoxification can really boost energy levels.
  3. It amplifies brain power. The brain is very sensitive to toxin load. When toxin levels are high the brain will short-circuit making it hard to maintain concentration and focus, remember things, and solve problems.
  4. It tunes up the immune system. If you get more than one or two colds a year, or if a cold seems to drag on and on, or you just seem to get one infection after another, it could be a sign that your immune system is being impaired due to an overload of toxins. A cleanse can help eliminate an obstacle to healthy immune function.
  5. It makes you shine! The skin is the largest organ of the body and plays a key role in the elimination of some types of toxins. A cleanse generally has a phenomenal effect in promoting beauty from within. Clear, vibrant, radiant skin is a sign of health and internal purity.

One of the challenges with dealing with toxins is that they can actually impair your ability to detoxify. In other words, the toxins seem to hit your detoxification system first. So, it is important to devote some focus and effort in support this incredible system. One of the best ways to show that focus is doing the Purify 10-Day Complete Body Cleanse.

Designed to be used with critical dietary guidelines aiding our detoxification system, the individual components of the AM and PM packets in the 10-day cleanse work together to tune-up the detoxification system to promote effective processing and elimination of toxins:

AM Packet:

  • Digest Basics – digestive enzymes are very important to aiding cleansing of the intestinal tract and play a role in maintaining the proper intestinal environment.
  • Liver Detox – helps restore balance in detoxification processes by supplying key liver supporting nutrients and herbal extracts.
  • Organic Detoxifying Veggie Blend – features various cruciferous or cabbage family vegetables along with other vegetable concentrates to aid detoxification.
  • Daily Regularity – is a very gentle formula designed to promote effective elimination.

PM Packet:

  • Digest Basics – digestive enzymes are very important to aiding cleansing of the intestinal tract and play a role in maintaining the proper intestinal environment.
  • Daily Regularity – is a very gentle formula designed to promote effective elimination.
  • Mixed Ascorbates w/MSM – Provides the best forms of two key compounds, vitamin C and sulfur, in neutralizing many toxic compounds.
  • Probio™ – this formula contains 8 strains of probiotics with a total colony count of over 10 Billion.

Detoxification of harmful substances is a continual process in the body and it does not have to be an unpleasant experience. The best approach to aiding the body’s detoxification mechanisms is to engage in periodic use of the Purify 10-Day Complete Body Cleanse between following a diet that also aids detoxification. A good rule of thumb is to do a 10-day cleanse at the change of the seasons (or roughly every three months).

Yours in Health,

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