40 Ideas for Self-Care Quickies, Every Day
Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Instead, what if you start thinking of self-care as a mindset or even a filter you apply to everything you do each day? (Kind of like how it became a social media trend to “romanticize” the mundane things in your life.) With this shift, anything can become self-care – and you always have time for it. Every step you take gets you one closer to your goals, so every time you prioritize yourself, you’re shortening the distance between current you and future you.
Keep reading for a list of 40 ideas for self-care quickies you can squeeze into even the busiest days. Because there’s always time for a quickie!
- Repeat a positive affirmation to yourself to give yourself a confidence boost before a big meeting. No privacy? Write it over and over instead!
- Apply a face mask or undereye patches while you scroll social or fold laundry.
- Put on your sunscreen every morning to protect your skin (don’t forget your neck, chest and the backs of your hands). Bonus: Choose a product that also hydrates to streamline your routine.
- Feeling flighty? Try box breathing: Inhale as you count to 4, hold for 4 counts, exhale as you count to 4 again and hold the exhale for another 4. Repeat until you feel calmer and more grounded.
- Chew your food thoroughly to give yourself a jump-start on digestion.
- Sigh it out. Exhaling triggers the body’s parasympathetic nervous system. This gets you out of the “fight-or-flight” response and into “rest-and-digest” mode.) When you’re feeling wound up, let it out with a big, loud sigh.
- Turn on do not disturb. Even a 10-minute break from screens and notifications can help when you’re feeling like you’re a water glass someone overfilled.
- Drink up. Hydration helps keep your digestion, mood and skin in tip-top shape.
- Dry brush your skin before getting in the shower. It helps to exfoliate and stimulates circulation, as well as a massage.
- Keep a spritz bottle with rosewater or toner in the fridge, then mist on your face for an instant refreshing pick-me-up.
- Write down why you’re thankful. Gratitude can change how our brains are wired, and this simple practice can give your mood a little boost!
- Grab your favorite scented lotion or oil and give yourself a quick hand or foot massage.
- Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, like lavender or eucalyptus, to a diffuser.
- Jot down a quick to-do list or organize your schedule, to get your thoughts out of your head. Use paper or your phone.
- Watch something funny on the internet or think of a funny memory. Laughter releases endorphins and offers a short-term lift for your well-being.
- Play your favorite song in the car when you’re stuck in traffic or feeling cranky.
- Listen to a podcast or audiobook while you do chores to combine learning or entertainment with the drudgery of housekeeping.
- Give your nails a quick file or apply cuticle oil while you’re listening to a voice memo.
- Send your sweetie a text telling them how much they mean to you (or maybe send a spicier message if that’s how you’re feeling)!
- Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to connect with yourself and settle down.
- Plan something fun, like a trip to the zoo with the kids or a dinner with your BFF. Science has found that the anticipation of a future reward might be even more enjoyable than the actual thing!
- Strike a pose. When your confidence takes a hit, bring it back up with a power pose. Try standing in front of a mirror with your hands on your hips for a couple of minutes. Do this one before job interviews or salary negotiations.
- Sit up straight. Check your posture and notice how your breathing and mood shift.
- Watch a guided meditation on YouTube or use a mindfulness app to help reset your mood.
- Take a walk. Even 10 minutes can improve your energy levels.
- Do some sun salutations to wake up your whole body or child’s pose to wind down and relax.
- Read a few pages of a favorite book. Tip: Download ebook apps for your phone to keep your current reads on hand whenever you have a few minutes.
- Read a favorite motivational quote to uplift your spirits.
- Give yourself a scalp massage to release tension. While you’re at it, check in with your shoulders and drop them away from your ears!
- Make yourself a cup of tea. Opt for soothing herbal tea if you want to relax or green tea if you’re feeling sluggish. Turn it into a ritual and focus on the warmth of the mug in your hands.
- Sketch or doodle when you’re feeling stuck creatively or starting to zone out in long meetings.
- Eat something! Stash healthy snacks in your work bag or purse to prevent hanger from derailing your day.
- Turn meals into mindfulness. Turn off screens, focus on savoring each bite and engage all your senses.
- Stretch a little. Reach overhead or to the side to open your chest and shoulders, squat down to loosen your hips or do some seated cat-cow stretches for a tight spine.
- Take your daily probiotics. Cover your bases and take care of your digestion, regularity and immune health with a single daily capsule, with SubCulture™.^ We have formulas for women’s health, mood and bloat, so you can choose the right one to help you thrive!^
- Tidy a small space, like your desk, the kitchen table or the chair that holds all your slightly worn clothes.
- Toss or donate clothing that doesn’t fit you or suit your current style.
- Visualize the outcome. Instead of worrying about the “what-ifs,” close your eyes and envision the event or day turning out exactly as you want it.
- Wash out your water bottle. Because we’re all guilty of giving our reusable bottles a quick rinse most of the time.
- Set up subscribe and save on a product you use often. Not only does it save you money, but it also saves you time – and prevents the stress and irritation of running out unexpectedly. Future you will thank you!