What to Know About Occasional Gas & Bloating*
Ever feel bloated or gassy after a meal on occasion? Under normal circumstances, the GI system releases enzymes to break down food so it arrives in the large intestine ready to be passed as waste. By the time food – or what’s left of it – arrives in your colon, it should be well-digested. When it’s not, that undigested food begins to ferment, leading to gas that then causes bloating.
Thankfully, digestive enzyme supplements can offer support!* Digestive enzymes help your body break down the carbs, fat, protein and fiber you eat, so you can convert food into fuel. Ours are formulated for full-body results, to help speed up digestion, boost energy – and reduce occasional gas, bloating and indigestion.*
What to Do About Occasional Gas & Bloating*
Start by identifying the food(s) that give you occasional gas. If you’re not sure which foods are to blame – or if you have multiple food intolerances – reach for a formula to break down all nutrients found in a typical meal.
Common food intolerances include complex carbohydrates, milk sugar (lactose), milk protein (casein), gluten, phenols and FODMAPS (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols). Here’s a helpful list:
- Lactose: the sugar found in dairy
- Casein: the proteins found in dairy
- Gluten: a protein found in wheat and other grains like barley and rye.
- Phenols: a group of organic compounds found in plants