What is the Microbiome? 

The microbiome is the “mini-ecosystem” of microbes living everywhere throughout your body, including your skin, eyes, mouth and gut. Most of the bacteria are helpful (symbiotic) or at least not harmful (non-pathogenic). 

While the microbiome contains all the bacteria in and on your body, several health benefits have been linked to the bacteria in your gut specifically, and this is what most people are referring to when they talk about all the good the microbiome can do for you.

These benefits include: 

  • Healthy digestion* 
  • Immune support* 
  • Nutrient production* 
  • Balanced mood*
  • Brain health*

The goal of the microbiome is balance, so the good bacteria can do its important work. 

One way you can support your microbiome is through prebiotics and probiotics.