What Can I Do for Natural Heartburn Relief?
Start by talking to your health-care provider, but these are some lifestyle tips to help manage occasional heartburn.*
- Slow down when you eat, to give your hunger and satiety cues time to catch up. This can prevent you from eating too much and also give your naturally present digestive enzymes time to do their work.
- Eat whole, unprocessed foods and avoid any “trigger” foods. For some, this can include sugary, spicy or overly rich foods.
- Opt for smaller meals more often, to give your body more time to digest your food.
- Find ways to deal with your everyday stress, as this can also impact your digestion.
- Stay hydrated. Water is important for healthy digestion!
The familiar fire of occasional heartburn demands fast-acting relief.* Whether you feel that burn from food or low acid levels, Enzymedica has options.* Our powerful products are formulated to put out the fire fast.+* For help breaking down food or balancing acid, Enzymedica’s occasional heartburn products protect, relieve and rebuild.*
Simply blocking or neutralizing acid isn’t the answer. The body needs stomach acid to properly digest food. Natural products that work with the body's digestive system may provide relief for occasional heartburn, without blocking stomach acid.*
We use ingredients including:
- acid-stable protease
- alginate
- DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice)
- gotu kola
- marshmallow root
- olive leaf extract
- prickly pear extract
- Zinc-Carnosine