9 Simple Yet Underrated Habits for Good Digestive Health
Great health starts with healthy digestion. So when you’re dealing with occasional digestive complaints – from gas and bloating to constipation and diarrhea – it can throw a real wrench into your daily routines. Want to work on your digestion and GI health, but not sure where to start?
Let us help. Read on for nine underrated habits for good digestive health that don’t require a ton of energy or time.
Maintaining digestive health is crucial for overall well-being, and adopting healthy habits can make a significant difference.
Here are nine ways to improve digestive health:
- Focus on hitting your fiber goals each day.
Over 95% of people in the US don’t eat enough fiber. However, fiber promotes regular bowel movements and reduces occasional constipation. Fiber only comes from plant-based foods, so incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes into your meals. Aim for a variety of soluble (e.g., oats and apples) and insoluble fiber (e.g., whole wheat and nuts). You can also choose to add a fiber supplement to your routine.
- Drink up (but avoid alcohol).
Water aids in the digestion process, softens stool and prevents occasional constipation. The rule of drinking 8 cups (about 2 liters) of water daily has been largely debunked, but you should sip water throughout the day and try to drink before you get thirsty. That’s a sign you’re already trying to play catch-up with your hydration. Beverages like herbal tea, sparkling water, juices and even coffee do hydrate you, but alcohol does not (and can negatively impact your digestion and gut health, including your microbiome).
- Slow down and chew your food.
Wolfing down your food, then chasing it with gulps of water might seem like a time-saving strategy, but it can be one reason why you experience occasional discomfort after eating. Properly chewing food helps break it down, making it easier for your digestive system to process. Take your time while eating, and chew each bite thoroughly until it’s a smooth consistency before swallowing.
- Deal with stress on a regular basis.
Your gut and brain are directly connected, so those everyday stressors and worries can also impact your digestion. Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga or exercise. When you start to feel overwhelmed, pause and focus on your breath. You might even try sighing loudly. This technique triggers the vagus nerve, which is the primary mediator of the parasympathetic nervous system (your rest-and-digest system).
- Be pro-active about probiotics.
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support gut health and balance your microbiome. Include foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented foods in your diet. Additionally, there’s an easier way to embrace the culture within and feel your best every day. Once-daily SubCulture Probiotics deliver foundational microbiome support (plus additional targeted support depending in the formula – we have Mood, Bloat and Women, so you can find the one that works best for your health goals).*
- Limit processed foods and added sugars.
This one takes a bit more effort, but it also offers a bigger payoff. Processed foods and excessive sugar can impact the balance of gut bacteria and contribute to digestive problems. The bulk of your diet should come from whole, unprocessed foods – save sugary snacks and beverages for special occasions.
- Move your body regularly.
Beyond the impact on your heart, lungs and overall health, exercise also benefits your digestion and helps keep food moving through the digestive tract. Most days of the week, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking, riding a bike or swimming.
- Consider taking breaks.
Intermittent fasting is often considered a diet, but it’s really more of a lifestyle approach to well-being and weight maintenance. And, if you’re focusing on your digestive health, it might be something to consider. Eating during a specific window of time allows your body time to focus on digestion – and time to rest.
- Stick to a routine.
This habit is especially helpful for regularity. Consistent meal times help regulate your digestive system, which may help make your bowel movements regular and predictable. Try to eat meals at roughly the same time each day – and head to bed around the same time, too.
Bonus: Make the most of every meal.
To get the most from every meal, consider a digestive enzyme supplement like Digest Gold®. Not only does it help you quickly break down the macronutrients in your food, but it also helps you convert food into fuel for more energy.*