
CA - Diet

October 30, 2019 by Cie Dev
CA - Diet

A diet that eliminates food allergens, along with adding foods high in dietary and prebiotic fibers, is very important when trying to rebuild the health of the intestinal lining. Raw cabbage juice is also well documented as having remarkable success for improving the health of the stomach lining. In one study, 1 liter of the fresh juice per day, taken in divided amounts, resulted in a dramatic improvement in an average of only ten days. This is thought to be due to sulforaphane, as well as the amino acid glutamine, which is needed by the cells on the surface of the small intestine to regenerate. Bananas, particularly plantains, may help due to their healing properties on the intestinal lining, while garlic, cayenne pepper, turmeric and foods high in vitamin C may also be helpful.