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The History of Enzymedica's Autism Initiatives

April 2, 2018 by Enzymedica Marketing
The History of Enzymedica's Autism Initiatives
At Enzymedica, we believe that it’s important not only to provide products that help people manage their health but also, as a business, to use our reach to make the world a better place in other ways. Autism awareness is one such cause that is near and dear to our hearts. As 1 out of 68 children has some form of autism spectrum disorder, and while it comes in varying degrees, understanding and care are essential in order to create the best life for these children.1 Here is a look at some of our most prominent autism initiatives and how the organizations that we support and their work benefit those with autism and their families.

Autism Hope Alliance

Autism Hope Alliance is special, in that it is the first non-profit for autism to come directly from the natural foods industry. Parents and educators have discussed certain dietary choices to support autistic individuals for some time now, so it’s a fitting match for the industry to have its own non-profit. Autism Hope Alliance donates to other non-profits, distributes free educational materials to families via pamphlets, radio programs and YouTube, and even created the Autism Pantry Program. This helps provide natural products to families in need at conferences and via social media giveaways. Enzymedica has contributed over $300 to the AHA and sponsored its Autism Grass Roots Tour. To raise funds for autism awareness, the tour traveled over 26 states to give free lectures to over 4,000 families.

The Autism Treatment Center of America

This institution is the home of the Son-Rise Program®, which is specifically designed for children and adults on the autism spectrum, to help them progress and improve socially while integrating other popular autism therapies. Enzymedica has provided $110,000 in scholarships to allow families to attend the Center to get this important support and education.


Enzymedica also supports several other prominent non-profits in the autism field with annual sponsorships. These include AutismOne, which provides education and advocacy for children and families who are affected by autism diagnoses. TACA, or Talk About Curing Autism, helps support early diagnosis and medical intervention for children with autism to help them improve some of their major symptoms. Generation Rescue works to provide information and treatment assistance to families affected by autism spectrum disorders.

Vitamin Angels

Vitamin Angels doesn’t primarily target autism specifically, but its mission is relevant to the conversation. Vitamin Angels works to provide vitamin and mineral packages to both individuals and families in need across the world. We already know from science that certain vitamin deficiencies can exacerbate certain issues in autistic individuals.2 Enzymedica regularly donates to Vitamin Angels, helping them to serve a wider global audience and promote health worldwide.

1. Christensen DL, Baio J, Braun KV, et al. Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2012. MMWR Surveill Summ 2016;65(No. SS-3)(No. SS-3):1–23.

2. Kawicka A, Regulska-ilow B. How nutritional status, diet and dietary supplements can affect autism. A review. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig. 2013;64(1):1-12.